
Lauren's Testimony

Shalom, I'm Lauren. I'm Jewish, both my parents are Jewish and I'm very proud of that. I was brought up in a Jewish home and we celebrated the main festivals every year. I was taught to obey G-d and be good and then I would go to heaven. But I soon realised that something was missing. After years of searching and going down many different roads I turned eighteen and I knew I need something or someone to save me. I then met a boy, Brad who asked me if I had read Isaiah chapter 53, which speaks of the suffering of the Messiah:-

“He was pierced for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities. The punishment that would bring us peace, shalom, was laid upon Him and by his stripes we are healed.”

Brad asked me who I thought the prophet was talking about. I kept finding ways to argue against his reasoning, that the suffering servant was indeed Jesus, or Yeshua. I Googled for more information about Jewish people who believe in Yeshua and found out they are called Messianic Jews.

Here I read the explanation why I needed Yeshua, that he died for our sin and rose from the dead and that if I were to turn to Him and repent, I would have G-d`s forgiveness and assurance of eternal life.

Good news! And the other good news was that not only would I remain Jewish but that my Jewishness would be complete in Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel and the saviour of the world.

Thank you for reading my story.

Colin's Testimony

My name is Colin Kosky, I am 66 years old and I have been a believer in Yeshua for about twenty two years. I was brought up in a Jewish home and attended Upton Park and District Synagogue, where I had my Bar mitzvah in January 1966. My father was from the East End and my mother was from Dublin.

Before my thirtieth birthday I decided to travel overland to Africa, finishing up in Cape Town where I lived for the next thirty five years! Often I said to myself, “There must be more to life than this.” I started to question Judaism and looked at other “Isms” too. None could provide an answer. Through a series of events; I ended up somewhere forbidden in my life – a church!


In time I found the love of G-d and people and realised that I had finally discovered the answer to all my questions. Although my fellow Jews would see me as a traitor, G-d does not say that in scripture. I am so happy that I have found a joy which permeates deep within and I have become a complete Jew.