We love to Celebrate Festivals
Here is a taste of our most recent Celebrations…
Cheers and boos, stamping of feet and rattling of shakers! It can only mean one thing!
We are celebrating the Festival of Purim, as we re-enact once again the Biblical story of Esther.
The players dressed in colourful costumes, all except Haman, our villain, clothed in black with a large sign on his back saying, “Boo Me!”
The audience participated enthusiastically, cheering our hero Mordecai and the gracious, trusting Esther, who had so bravely spoken up for her Jewish people.
Boos, and finally cheers, as Haman was led away in handcuffs to receive his fate.

Our speaker, Steve, explained again the theme of the Almighty’s deliverance of His people, and an assurance of love and eternal safety for all who trust in His Messiah.
We enjoyed a time of worship in song, and afterwards fellowship and refreshments.
What a wonderful and memorable time we had!
On this occasion we decorated a chuppah in preparation for the wedding of Ruth and Boaz, as we re-enacted the Biblical account.
We set a table with two challah loaves and replicas of the two tablets of the Torah (Law). The blessing said in Hebrew and English, we were ready to commence.

Our players conveyed the emotional aspects of the story of Ruth so movingly. Naomi had lost her husband and sons in death, but God provided a Kinsman-Redeemer. We see Boaz escorting Ruth under the chuppah for the marriage ceremony.
In the fullness of time, a child was born, our Narrators read. The play culminated with Naomi tenderly cradling the new-born baby, Obed, lovingly watched by Ruth and Boaz.
Our Bible reading reminded us that Obed became the father of Jesse, who became the father of David. From this line would come Jesus our eternal King Messiah and Redeemer.
After some wonderful insights from the Scriptures by our speaker, Steve, and an uplifting time of rejoicing in song, our afternoon closed with fellowship and the traditional enjoyment of cheesecake.
Another blessed time for all who attended.

Folk eagerly participated in decorating the Sukkah with fresh greenery and ripe fruit.
The result was a bright and almost glowing Sukkah!

A wonderful time of worship was followed by readings from under the Sukkah.
Our speaker, Steve, shared from the Scriptures on our theme, from Isaiah 2 verse 3:
“Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, unto the House of the God of Jacob”,

A wonderful reminder that one day our Messiah Yeshua will return and tabernacle with us, and reign from Jerusalem. Then every year all the nations will go up to Jerusalem to worship. Both Jewish people and all nations will be worshipping together.
Afterwards we enjoyed a celebratory harvest buffet, and a time of fellowship. We all agreed that we had been greatly blessed.