Hello and Welcome to the Tree of Life!
We are a group of Jewish and Gentile Believers in Yeshua the Messiah from all different walks of life, who meet every Friday (online) to worship the G-d of Israel and who love to celebrate the biblical Feasts. We want to know G-d better through His Word (the Tanach and the New Testament) and to walk in His Holy Spirit.
Join us online on Friday evenings for Messianic "flavoured" Praise and Worship, encouraging and cutting edge Bible Teaching, and warm and friendly Fellowship! Everyone Welcome!
''Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity!''
Psalm 133:1
(Please see the Contact Page of this website to request an invitation)
Friday Evening Service (Online via Zoom)
- 7.15 pm for a prompt 7.30 pm start.
Previous Bible Teaching recordings of our Friday and other Meetings are available on the 'Recordings' page of this website.
Please check out our 'Diary' page and visit our website regularly for further updates.